Service Lunch: Transformation des Servicegeschäftes von Schweizer Industriefirmen

Service Lunch: „Essen, Lernen, Netzwerken“
Transformation des Servicegeschäftes von Schweizer Industriefirmen
COVID-19 hat in den letzten zwei Jahren Schweizer Industrieunternehmen vor enorme Herausforderungen gestellt. Der Servicebereich war besonders stark betroffen, da dieser auf persönliche Interaktionen mit Kunden angewiesen ist. Zugleich haben digitale Technologien das Servicegeschäft verändert.

Service Lunch: 10X-Service Design Lab

Service Lunch: „Essen, Lernen, Netzwerken“
An accelerator for business development.
Automotive industry is going through a digital transformation and striving to expand its business models into new mobility solutions.

Service Lunch: Visualizing Swiss Open Government Data

Service Lunch: „Essen, Lernen, Netzwerken“
Open Government Data has the power to transform how organizations engage citizens but we have to wonder how accessible, usable, and shareable open data for the majority of people truly is?

«Visualize» is a self-service interface that empowers users to explore open data based on smart defaults and design best practices.

Service Lunch: How an integrated product configurator in sales changed the whole quality of projects sold to customers

Service Lunch: „Essen, Lernen, Netzwerken“
Essemtec integrated a product configurator for quoting and scoping of projects into the CRM and sales process. It improved quality of quotations, but not only. It improved whole production and installation and acceptance of sold machines, while reducing loop backs and configuration defects – leading to increased customer experience.